
Dette er i aller høyeste grad en TEST, og all tekst/innhold er kun ment som illustrasjon. Selve skulpturen som vises her er fra et prosjekt jeg gjennomførte i 2013.

Det er mulig tidslinjen vil bli horisontal, eller at kun én post er synlig av gangen. Formålet med tidslinjen er ikke bare å gi innblikk i prosessen, men også å fortelle en historie. Ved siden av bilde og video, vil jeg også benytte interaktive 3D-modeller slik som denne:
Denne 3d-modellen er basert på en skulptur under arbeid (2023). Den kan fritt roteres ved å holde inn venstre museknapp.


16 May 2013

So I’m going to grab a random sketch from the pile…

16 May 2013

16 May

…ok, here it is! Not too sure about this one, but we’ll try

16 May

16 May 2013

I’ve got roughly a week to make this one, so I’m just going to try to have fun with it

16 May 2013

16 May 2013

OK, made a quick colour sketch just to create some dimension

16 May 2013

18 May 2013

…Fun, you said? Today’s stats!







18 May 2013

18 May 2013

Ok, so I cut myself while carving today. I love the look of blood splatter on polystyrene.

[Preview note] this video will be replaced by a different edit)

18 May 2013

19 May 2013

I woke up today with an uneasy feeling. It was as if the half-finished sculpture was staring at me while I was sleeping. Tonight I’m going to put a bag over it.

Hopefully I’ll forget about it and never look at it again.

19 MAY 2013

19 May 2013

19 May 2013

Today’s coffee consumption



19 May 2013

20 May 2013

Well, at leat it’s taking shape. I think I want this one to be quite rough. I’d like to try some bad colour combination, as if it’s been painted over several times. Like it’s desperately trying to fit in, but remains an outsider.

20 May 2013

21 May 2013

POLL – Where do I go from here?

1. give up
2. take a break

3. set fire to the sculpture

21 May 2013

22 May 2013

taking the new character out for a little photoshoot.

22 May 2013

22 May 2013

Ok, this is good enough for now. I will leave it out and let it weather a bit

22 May 2013